10 steps to design or check the efficiency of your agile organization...
1- Observe how the teams work
2- Describe it (teams and their interactions) with design tools and patterns, such as those included in the #unFIX model, in order to make the way of working visible and be able to check the system efficiency.
3- Identify the strengths of the system … and celebrate !
4- Identify the weaknesses and what is missing in the system to reach your results (in principle, 3 axis for your results : customer satisfaction, teams efficiency, well-being of team members)
5- Modify the patterns (Add, Remove, Move, Change) if necessary
6- Plan actions
7- Test and Check/Learn
8- Iterate this process until your results are reached
9- Iterate this Observation & Design process regularly
10- Remember :
👉 Whatever the framework, it’s the result (customer satisfaction, teams efficiency, well-being of team members) that matters !